- I understand and acknowledge that group flushing experience is not a substitute for medical advice or specific to my unique health situation.
- I understand and acknowledge that theoretically, a stone could get lodged in the bile or pancreatic duct, which could lead to pain and/or emergency gallbladder surgery.
- I understand and acknowledge that it is up to me, to do sufficient research regarding flushing to allay any concerns I have before doing the flush
- I understand and acknowledge that modalities like gallbladder flushing are generally frowned upon by Western medicine and not backed by scientific studies that prove or disprove their effectiveness, side effects or contraindications.
- I understand and acknowledge that Sherry Rothwell is not a medical doctor and cannot advise me regarding any medical conditions I have, nor can she provide me with medical information or advice.
- I understand and acknowledge that if I am in an emergency situation with my health, that I should be working with a medical doctor who is an expert in disease pathology and trained in emergency medicine.
- I understand and acknowledge that I do not have any of the following conditions, and I will not do the flush in any of these circumstances:
- allergic or intolerant to any of the ingredients
- prescription medication
- chemotherapy
- bowel obstruction
- you are weak, emaciated, underweight
- inflammatory bowel disease
- large hemorrhoids
- acute infection
- severe or regularly occurring constipation
- pregnancy or nursing
- during menstruation
- stent in the biliary duct
- uncontrolled diabetes
- kidney disease
How to know when you should see a doctor:
Symptoms of Cholecystitis (commonly referred to as a gallbladder attack)
- sudden intense pain in the upper right part of your abdomen (belly) lasting several hours.
- nausea and vomiting
- fever and/or chills.
- yellowish color of your skin or whites of your eyes (jaundice).
- tea-colored urine and light-colored stools.
- pain (often worse with deep breaths) that spreads to your back or below the right shoulder blade
- yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice)
I understand and acknowledge that by doing a gallbladder flush, I am taking my health into my own hands, and that I am responsible for the choices I make or don't make regarding my own health before, during and after the flush experience.
DISCLAIMER: Although this protocol has been diligently represented and tested to be safe and effective in generally healthy people, it may or may not be right for you in your unique health situation, especially if you are already diagnosed with a disease and/or you are on medication. In that case, you are advised to speak to your doctor regarding the safety of this protocol, relevant to your diagnosis. It is not recommended to do this protocol while on chemotherapy or medication. While Sherry has diligently put this protocol together with the best of intentions for you and your health and well-being, Sherry assumes no personal responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or inconsistencies, whether in the protocol itself or in your implementation of it. Essentially, you are undertaking a personal experiment of one, in your own body. The use of this information is to be undertaken at your own discretion. Sherry Rothwell is not responsible for any adverse effects, side effects or consequences incurred as the result of doing the flush. Nor is Sherry Rothwell responsible for any adverse effects, side effects or consequences incurred of using any of the devices mentioned, nor from consuming any of the recommended supplements and natural health remedies. The statements herein are for educational and theoretical purposes only, and are mainly based on the work of the late Andreas Moritz. Should you be concerned about the origins of the flush, you should purchase his book The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush to allay your concerns. Any adjustments to the protocol have been based on Sherry Rothwell’s personal experience and on the experiences of her clients, and is not personalized to your situation or circumstances. When in doubt, ask your doctor if this protocol is safe for you to do relevant to your disease condition or health situation. This protocol is for the confident DIY’er and is not a substitute for medical advice. If it doesn’t feel right or you are afraid of it, do not do the flush. There are plenty of other ways to dissolve stones.