Lose weight NATURALLY without dieting!
Use your weight loss journey as a catalyst makeover your life.
We use deep nourishment, cycles of cleansing & rejuvenation practices, to reboot your metabolism,
lower your weight set point and blast past plateaus!
I've been clinically obese myself, so I get the struggle.
I released the weight without counting calories or exercising and you can too!
Hi, my name is Sherry Rothwell and I am the founder of Delish Diet and our signature program for natural weight loss without dieting rooted in holistic nutrition principles.
In the process of identifying my own unique and individual blocks to weight loss, systematically addressing each root cause (including mindsets, emotions and soul blocks), I dropped 12 dress sizes and I have kept the weight off for a decade - without counting a single calorie and eating more pleasurably than ever!
As a holistic nutritionist with 20+ years experience in the natural health field, I can help you identify what's really going on at the level of root cause.
You can rest assured that what we do to get you to your ideal weight will be holistic, individualized and in alignment with natural health principles.
The Diet Industry Perpetuates the Problem it Professes to Solve
97% of dieters fail - only to gain back more weight than they started with.
Extra body fat is a symptom, not a cause.
You are in the right place if you want to stop treating the symptom and instead pull out the
root causes of your issues with your weight.
Many people think that losing weight creates health, but it's actually the other way around - getting healthy results in weight loss, naturally.
Finally drop the weight at the level of root cause(s) - body, mind, emotion and soul.
The Delish Diet is Not Really A Diet In the Conventional Sense
The word "diet" originates with the Greek word diaita - which means 'a way of living', which includes food and other daily habits. The origin of the word has nothing to do with weight loss. You don't need to "go on a diet", but you do have a natural diaita. If you want to be a natural weight then you need to eat naturally and meet your natural human needs.
FAD DIETS result in temporary weight loss ONLY, because we can't live on a fad diet forever.
'Dieting', (in other words deprivation, under eating & over exercising) results in more weight gain (because they damage the metabolism) and make future weight loss even more difficult.
Weight normalization is a natural benefit of achieving optimal health, whereas going on fad diets sets us up for a lifetime of fixating on our weight.
We don't lose weight to get healthy, we have to FIRST get healthy to lose the weight!
What if there was a permanent way to lose weight, without punishing your body and living a life devoid of food pleasure!?
There is.
'eat less and move more' is NOT the answer, in fact in many cases.....
eating more and moving less is!
I know that sounds totally counter intuitive, but most overweight people are actually starving nutritionally, regardless of how much they eat which perpetuates cycles of cravings.
Too much exercise in a body that is not properly nourished and healthy backfires, creating a stress response that results in exhaustion,
pain and weight gain.
No more 'pushing and shoving' your body around by starving it and forcing it to "exercise" in unnatural ways - trying to lose weight from the outside in (real weight loss happens from the inside out).
Your extra body fat has a message for you.
"Something isn't right & 'things' need to change."
There is no one size fits all approach to weight loss, but we all need to address our inherent needs beginning with universal natural diet and lifestyle principles - but also addressing our mindset blocks, emotional baggage
and soul weight of unfulfilled desires and dreams too.
It's time now to prioritize your transformation
from the inside-out.
Let's explore your weight at the level of root cause(s) - body, mind, emotion and soul and outline a path to using your weight loss journey as a catalyst for life transformation.
What have you got to lose besides the extra body fat?
- negative feelings about your body, mental fatigue, lack of energy, and feeling frumpy, bloated, frazzled & drying out
- wearing clothes that hide your rolls and never wanting to leave the house
- "watching" your weight, forever on the diet roller coaster - only to end up heavier than when you started
What's even better, is what you stand to gain!
- more pleasure in food with freedom to indulge without worrying about your weight
- feel healthier, happier & hotter than ever with no worries about re-gaining the weight
- love your body (how you feel in it and how it looks) and wear clothes you love again!