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- Other (1)
- e-course (3)
- Holistic Nutrition Consulting (1)
- Gallbladder Health (2)
- All Purpose Protein Baking Mix (1)
Kitchen Makeover e-course
Lose your first 15 lbs while increasing your health with The Kitchen Makeover e-course. Drop the inflammation weight caused by the SAD diet (standard North American diet). If you want to be your natural weight, you have to eat natural food!
Delish Diet Deep Cleanse
The Delish Diet Deep Cleanse is perfect for you if you need to "shake things up" to get past your first plateau on your path to permanent weight loss or release those last stubborn 15 lbs. Up-leveling your health and your whole life while releasing the weight on all levels!
Delish UN-Diet School
This is your sustainable path to losing 30 lbs or more permanently without diet"ing". Learn step-by-step how to get all the way to your ideal weight and implement at your own pace!
Get Unblocked with Weight Loss Session
This session is for you if you want to speak with me to identify your unique blocks to weight loss. We’ll explore your situation, outline a path to rebooting your metabolism, lowering your weight set point and blasting past those inevitable plateaus, leaving no stone unturned. You will leave the session with my signature plan outlining a step-by-step path to using your weight loss journey as a catalyst to makeover your life (from the inside out).
Gallbladder Flush Plan
Gallbladder Flush Plan - Kick stones, keep your gallbladder! This plan allows you to flush stones out of the gallbladder without having to undergo invasive surgery.
Guided Gallbladder Flush Experience
Guided gallbladder flushing experience in a group.